The chronology of the Incident in Mina, according to Director General Hajj Ministry of Religion

Director-General of the Organization of the Hajj and Umrah Religious Ministry Abdul Djamil explained the chronology of the causes of the incident that occurred in Mina, Thursday (24/9/2015). According to Djamil, events occur on the road 204 when thetroupe performs Hajj stoning ritual in Mina. The incident occurred around 8 a.m. local time.

The chronology of the Incident in Mina, according to Director General Hajj Ministry of Religion
"There is a horde of jemaah haji road, suddenly stopped. Pressed, pressed from behind, "said Abdul Djamil.

Currently, according to Djamil, Kemenag still do not know if there were victims of the incident which came from Indonesia. "It's been driven operating officer at ' Arafah and Mina to head for the SCENE (scene of things). To find out our Hajj Congregation is concerned, "said Djamil.

Currently, the death toll reached at least 220 people are called. The number offatalities on it was obtained from the local civil defense authority. However, it is not yet known for certain the death toll. Because of injuries, at least 400 people.

But Foreign Ministry Spokesman Armanatha Nasir, was a stampede incident that resulted in hundreds of jemaah haji's death and injuries occurred in the tunnel. (Read:the incident happened in a Tunnel in Mina Towards Ejection Jumroh)

"Preliminary information, a stampede in a tunnel leading to the ejection pebbles," saidArrmanatha told, Thursday (24/9/2015).