Yogyakarta and surrounding areas rocked by the quake this evening. Based on datafrom the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre, earthquake had a magnitude of 4.5 on the richter scale.
The epicenter was located 31 km southeast of Yogya or 14 km from Wonosari. EMSCrecorded earthquake occurred at 20 PM, Friday (11/9). The epicenter was at a depth of5 km below the sea.
There has been no reports of damage, but a number of residents admitted feelingpanic a hefty hard shocks.
While the national disaster relief Agency (BNPB) notes the strength of the earthquake4.4 SR.
Metereologi and Geophysics Agency make sure there are no potential tsunami
Meanwhile the head of the earthquake and Tsunami Meterology and Geophysics, Climatology Mochammad Riyadi, declare the earthquake occurred in Yogyakartacentered at 12 kilometers Northwest of Gunungkidul. The quake had a magnitude of4.6 SR and was at a depth of 10 kilometers.
"Right above there is an earthquake, the Center in the Northwest of Gunungkidul," said Riyadi when you call merdeka.com, Friday (11/9).
Although the earthquake tremors strong enough to be felt until the city of Yogyakarta, but the earthquake did not ensure Riyadi potentially Tsunami, becausestill under 5 on the Richter scale. From the receipt of the report, the quake was felt in the area so in Bantul, Yogyakarta.
"There is no potential for a tsunami. In Bantul that feels, "said Riyadi.
Riyadi said, the earthquake is a kind of tectonic earthquake, not an earthquake. Heurged the public remain calm.
"This earthquake small Yes, at 20 pm. The tectonic earthquake, not volcanic,"continued Riyadi.
Due to the earthquake, many of the citizens of Yogyakarta was surprised and tumbledout of the House. That is because the quake was felt quite toned and makes the glassto vibrate.